⚠️ Audio issues with Safari 15

Apple has recently released Safari 15 and those of you who have already updated – there is a chance that your clients, who are using an iPhone, will not be able to hear you! 😢 Not sure whether it is a bug in Safari itself or something on our side, but as of now, we managed to find a workaround […]

Improvements to photo upload on iPhones

We have some exciting news to share about recent update to iOS application! From the beginning, overall Shutter Studio experience was less smooth if the photographer’s client was on iPhone: to protect user experience and save battery, iOS shuts down applications when they enter background. For example, when a user locks the phone, goes back to the Home screen, or […]

Multi-camera support on iOS and Android

We are thrilled to announce that from now on, all our mobile applications, both for iOS and Android, support dual-, triple-, you-name-it cameras! What does that mean? You, as a photographer, can now switch between all available cameras on the model’s phone! Initially, we supported only primary (back-facing) and selfie cameras. Later last year, we added support for multiple camera […]

Your photos security

As more and more photographers are adopting virtual (online) photo shoots with the Shutter Studio, the question on security and privacy is raised more frequently. This is a completely reasonable question! We, as humans, want others to respect our privacy. A photoshoot can be a very intimate experience that relies on trust. We will not allow a complete stranger to […]